About Elisa Hawks

Elisa J. Hawks is a 45-year-old orthopedic surgeon who specializes in bone diseases and injuries. She enjoys helping to improve her patients' health. Elisa is married and enjoys spending time on long road trips with her partner during her days off. 

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Guys are simply because cooperative simply because females, a fresh research suggests. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/Cholesterol/AboutCholesterol/Good-vs-Bad-Cholesterol_UCM_305561_Article.jsp

The finding, which challenges stereotypes of men as less cooperative than women, is the result of an analysis of 272 studies conducted over five years and comprising almost 32,000 people in 18 countries.

The researchers found that men are equally cooperative as women, particularly in social problems in which the interests of one person conflict with the interests of a group.

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The analysis also revealed that men actually cooperate better with various other men than women cooperate with various other women.

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The study appears online in the journal Psychological Bulletins . http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/h7n9-virus.htm

In individual evolution, “male coalitions have been an effective strategy for men to acquire resources, such as food and property,” lead author Daniel Balliet, of the VU University Amsterdam, noted in a journal news release.

“Both hunting and combat are public problems in that they firmly hole person and group passions against each other. However, if everyone serves upon their instant self-interest, after that no meals will end up being supplied, and wars will end up being dropped. To get over such public problems needs strategies to work with each various other,” he stated.

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Progression might also explain as to why females are less cooperative with females in public problems that involve a struggle between person and group passions.

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“Ancestral females generally migrated between groupings and they would possess been interacting mainly with females who tended not really to be family members, and many had been co-wives,” Balliet stated. “Public design among females would possess been rife with intimate competition.”

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It appears that the United Claims will fall far short of its benchmark goals toward eliminating tuberculosis, according to an analysis of Country wide Health and Nutritional Exam Survey data.

Experts found out that the rate of latent TB illness (LTBI) in the U.S. populace in 1999-2000 was 4.2 percent. This does not include homeless people or those in prison. The current illness rate would have to become 1 percent and reducing for the United Claims to fulfill its goal of TB incidence of less than one per million by 2010.

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“Individuals with LTBI are not infectious and cannot transmit TB to others, and only 5 to 10 percent of individuals with LTBI will go about to develop active TB, which is infectious. But because the risk of progression to TB can become considerably reduced by preventive treatment, it is definitely important that LTBI become recognized and treated,” said study author Dr. Diane Bennett, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Of the 11.2 million people with LTBI in the country in 1999-2000, only one in four experienced been diagnosed, and only 13 percent experienced been prescribed treatment, the data analysis revealed.

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“The LTBI rates among non-Hispanic whites, 1.9 percent, is close to that required for TB elimination, but the far higher rates among all other groups make U.S. TB removal by 2010 improbable,” published Bennett and colleagues.

The LTBI rate among people living below the poverty level was 6.1 percent, compared with 3.3 percent for those living above the poverty level. The analysis also found that the TB illness rate among foreign-born people was 18.7 percent, compared to 1.8 percent among people born in the United States. Of those, 12 percent of the foreign-born and 16 percent of the U.S.-born had received treatment.

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“The higher LTBI rates among some subgroups suggest that specific public health actions should be taken for and with immigrant neighborhoods, racial minorities and individuals living in poverty,” Bennett said. “While LTBI is definitely not infectious and latently affected individuals are not a danger to others, improved outreach for education, analysis and provision of appropriate preventive treatment could prevent many long term instances of active TB.”

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The findings were published in the first issue for February of the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine .

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The things that affect a woman’s reproductive health can also have an effect on her heart, new research shows.

Offering delivery prematurely or delivering a small-for-gestational-age baby are both associated with a later on risk of cardiovascular disease in the mom, regarding to two research anticipated to end up being presented Fri in an American Cardiovascular Association conference in Hand Possess, Fla.

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A third research found that when women’s ovaries were removed and the estrogen had not been replaced through hormone therapy, a woman’s overall risk of coloring increased, as did her risk of coloring of center disease or stroke. http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/resources/factsheets/index.htm

The first study appeared for associations between gestational size, the timing of the birth and the risk of cardiovascular disease in even more than one million Swedish women who’d given birth to their first baby after 1973.

Just women who had singleton pregnancies were included in the analysis.

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The researchers followed-up with the women for an average of 16 years, but for as longer as 33 years.

They found that women who’d had a small-for-gestational-age baby or a preterm baby had a higher risk of cardiovascular disease, and that women who’d had both a small and preterm baby had a two to three times higher risk of cardiovascular disease later in life.

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Dr. Erik Ingelsson, an correlate teacher of epidemiology at the Karolinska Start, stated that the elevated risk shows up to end up being lifelong. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001562.htm

“It appears like having a premature or small-for-gestational delivery baby is a risk aspect for cardiovascular disease, and hence, it is even more essential to pay out interest to the risk elements that you may have an effect on, i actually.y., smoking cigarettes cessation, consume healthful and prevent over weight and workout even more,” stated Ingelsson. http://www.cityofboston.gov/fire/safety/bbq_safety.asp

A second research, this one done with data from nearly 435,000 births in Denmark, came to a very similar bottom line. http://www.center4research.org/2010/04/q-and-a-for-breast-cancer-patients-about-keeping-or-reconstructing-their-breasts/

In this research, the births occurred from 1973 to 1983, and the afterwards data on the mothers came from medical information from 1977 to 2006.

Even more than 27,000 of the women had in least 1 preterm delivery, and now there were almost 41,000 situations of cardiovascular disease in the entire research population.

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The researchers found that women with a history of preterm delivery had 40 percent higher odds of developing cardiovascular disease than women without such histories. Females who acquired even more than one preterm delivery acquired a threefold elevated risk of coloring from aerobic disease, the research workers discovered.

“We do understand exactly why the dangers are elevated. Our speculation is normally that these females may end up being arriving into being pregnant a small little bit different. It could end up being that what places them at risk for preterm delivery is normally also related to aerobic disease risk afterwards,” stated the study’s lead writer, Janet Catov, an helper teacher in the section of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive system sciences at the School of Pittsburgh College of Medication.

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But, she stated, the research workers can’t understand the trigger for sure from this data, just that there’s an association.

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“Females who’ve acquired preterm births might wish to chat about it with their doctors, and produce sure they understand their quantities.

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What about your LDL [‘bad’ cholesterol] ?,” she stated.

The third study appeared at how having the ovaries removed (oophorectomy) at the time of a hysterectomy affected a woman’s health.

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In this research of nearly 30,000 females, 44 percent had a simple hysterectomy, which still left their ovaries intact, while 56 percent had their ovaries removed along with their uterus.



After 24 years of follow-up, the researchers found that women who’d had their ovaries removed had lower rates of breast, ovarian and total cancers. Nevertheless, the general risk of coloring (from any trigger) was elevated by 12 percent in girl who’d acquired their ovaries taken out, and the prices of center disease and heart stroke had been elevated by 17 and 14 percent, respectively.

The odds of lung cancer jumped 26 percent higher in women whose ovaries were removed.

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In women who don’t use estrogen replacement therapy, the results were sometimes even more dramatic. http://www.alz.org/index.asp

All-cause mortality flower by 40 percent, and the risk of center disease and stroke were on the subject of two fold higher.

“In zero evaluation or age-group will oophorectomy boost success,” authored the study’s writers.

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In findings that could transformation the way cholesterol tests are completed, two research display that high blood levels of the fatty acids called triglycerides are linked with an increased risk of aerobic problems such as heart attack.

But that keeps true just if the triglycerides are measured in the hours immediately after a food.

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The studies, one performed in Denmark, the various other in the United State governments, found such a relationship in what are called “nonfasting tests.” One research discovered no romantic relationship when bloodstream unwanted fat amounts had been sized in the normal method — after a 12- to 14-hour fast.

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The nonfasting test results were striking, said Dr. Borge G. Nordestgaard, teacher of medication at Herlev School Medical center in Denmark and business lead writer of one of the two reviews in the September 18 concern of the Paper of the American Medical Association .

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“The primary and most important acquiring is that people with extremely high triglyceride amounts had a main increase in myocardial infarct [center attack],” Nordestgaard said. “Therefore considerably, this provides generally been disregarded by physicians. They possess concentrated on cholesterol.”

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In the study, which followed almost 14,000 citizens of Copenhagen for an average of 26 years, females with the highest blood amounts of triglycerides when tested in the hours after a meal had up to five times the risk of dying from a heart attack or other cardiovascular event than those with the lowest amounts. Guys with the highest triglyceride amounts acquired dual the risk of those with the minimum amounts. The difference between the genders was most likely credited to the reality that guys in Denmark are likely to end up being large consumers, and alcoholic beverages impacts bloodstream triglyceride amounts, Nordestgaard stated.

The American study, done by Harvard researchers, included more than 25,000 participants in the Women’s Wellness Research who were followed for an average of more than 11 years. The research discovered a 44 percent elevated risk of an undesirable cardiac event in females with the highest triglyceride amounts in the hours instantly after a food. The triglyceride-associated risk reduced progressively in the hours after a food, disappearing after about four hours.

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Former analysis has shown a relationship between high triglyceride levels and aerobic risk, said Dr. Meat Y. McBride, teacher of medication at the School of Wisconsin College of Medication and Community Wellness and writer of an associated content in the paper. “But these are the initial research I’ve noticed that display that a nonfasting check is normally a better predictor of risk,” he stated.

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The concept of triglycerides is often tough to explain to non-scientists, McBride said. “They are the initial fatty acids that arrive into the blood stream after we consume,” he stated, and after that are prepared by the body into the complete range of bloodstream fatty acids, including LDL cholesterol, the “poor” kind that blocks arteries, and HDL cholesterol, the “great” kind that prevents development of artery-blocking tissue.

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“In the former 10 years, we possess learned that after a food, triglyceride amounts stay up in some people for a brief period but may stay up in some people for many hours,” McBride stated. Mentioning to the regular practice of needing a lengthy fast before a bloodstream unwanted fat check, “we may possess skipped the sail boat and should possess appeared to find what it was like when somebody was living a regular lifestyle,” he stated.

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The new study results “suggest we appear even more carefully at when a blood vessels test should be done,” McBride said. “But I do state we are prepared to reject the current practice.”

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Whatever the testing routine might eventually turn out to be, alarmingly high triglyceride amounts need the same corrective measures as high cholesterol amounts, McBride stated, with close attention to the well-known risk factors this kind of as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and inactivity.


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You’ll get more heart-healthy benefits from omega-3 fatty acids if you eat baked or boiled fish instead of fried, dried or salted fish, according to a new study, which also found that adding low-sodium soy sauce or tofu is a good idea for women.

“It appears that boiling or baking fish with low-sodium soy sauce [shoyu] and tofu is beneficial, while eating fried, salted or dried fish is not. In fact, these methods of preparation may contribute to your risk,” study author Lixin Meng, a doctoral candidate at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, said in a news release from the American Heart Association.

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“We did not directly compare boiled or baked fish versus fried fish, but one can tell from the [risk] ratios, boiled or baked fish is usually in the protective direction, but not fried fish,” Meng said.

The researchers studied the source, type, amount and frequency of dietary intake of omega-3 among 82,243 men and 103,884 women in Los Angeles County and Hawaii. The participants included blacks, whites, Hispanics, Japanese and native Hawaiians. They were 45 to 75 years old and had no history of heart disease.

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During an average of 11.9 years of follow-up, there were 4,516 heart-related deaths among the participants.

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Men who consumed the most omega-3 fatty acids (about 3.3 grams per day) had a 23 percent lower risk of cardiac death than those who ate only 0.8 grams per day.

“Clearly, we are seeing that the higher the dietary omega-3 intake, the lower the risk of dying from heart disease among men,” Meng said.

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The association between omega-3 fatty acid intake and reduced risk of cardiac death wasn’t as apparent among women, the study authors noted. http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm432543.htm

However, the study found clear heart health benefits for women who consumed greater amounts of shoyu and tofu.

“My guess is that, for women, eating omega-3s from shoyu and tofu that contain other active ingredients such as phytoestrogens might have a stronger cardioprotective effect than eating just omega-3s,” Meng said.

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The study was scheduled to be presented Tuesday at the American Heart Association’s annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.

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The approximately 2 million older adults who undergo common abdominal operations each year are at higher risk than others of suffering complications and early death, researchers find.

Little was known about the specific risks facing people 65 and older, the researchers said. “For clinicians, patients and families considering abdominal surgical procedures, informed decision making is challenging because of limited data regarding the risks of adverse perioperative events associated with advancing age,” they write in the December issue of Archives of Surgery .

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The researchers, from the University of Washington School of Medicine in

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Seattle, examined medical records of 101,318 adults age 65 or older who underwent abdominal procedures from 1987 to 2004. The operations included cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal), hysterectomy, colectomy and other procedures.

Of the patients, 17.3 percent had complications within 90 days and 5.4 percent died. As patients got older, so did the rate of complications and deaths — to 22.7 percent and 16.7 percent, respectively, for those 90 and older.

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“After adjusting for demographic, patient and surgical characteristics as well as hospital volume, the odds of early postoperative death increased considerably with each advance in age category,” the researchers wrote. “These associations were found among patients with both cancer and noncancer diagnoses and for both elective and nonelective admissions.

“Older adults may be less able to adapt to the stress of surgery or to the added stress of any postoperative complication, greatly increasing their risk of early mortality,” the researchers added. “These effects appear to be additive, highlighting the need for interventions to both prevent decline among older patients and avoid postsurgical complications.”

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Here are the latest clinical trials, courtesy of ClinicalConnection.com : http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/underagedrinking.html

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This study is usually for men 18 or older, and women 45 or older, who have gout and have by no means taken allopurinol, febuxostat, or probenecid.

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The research site is in Gurnee, Ill.

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A neural “thermostat” that keeps the mind working efficiently has been identified by Yale College or university analysts.

By learning the minds of pets viewing films of natural moments, the analysts found that the activities of inhibitory neurons help the mind save energy by suppressing nonessential visual info and refinement just critical info.

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Particularly, the inhibitory cells in the visual cortex control how excitatory cells interact with one another.

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“It’s known as the iceberg trend, where just the suggestion is sharply defined however all of us are conscious that there is a very much bigger part underwater that all of us cannot discover,” co-senior writer David McCormick, a teacher of neurobiology at the Yale College of Medication and a specialist at the Kavli Company of Neuroscience, said in a Yale information launch.

“These inhibitory neurons collection the drinking water level and control how very much of the iceberg we see. We no longer want to discover the whole iceberg to understand that it can be there,” he described.

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The study was published in a recent issue of Neuron .

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It’s long been known that the mind uses the bulk of the body’s energy, but researchers failed to find out how the mind may operate both efficiently and reliably as it procedures a stable deluge of sensory insight.

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About 75 percent of states say they’ve reached the Healthy People 2010 objective of at least 95 percent of all kindergarteners receiving their recommended vaccines, U.S. health officials said Thursday.

The rest of the states are making progress toward the goal of greater than 95 percent vaccination coverage for each of the vaccines recommended by the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Methods, officials said.

The statistics are based on data from 49 claims and the District of Columbia for the 2006-07 school year. Nevada did not statement data. The findings are published in the Aug. 17 issue of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Statement , from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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The study authors noted that the vaccines required in each reporting area and the methods for surveying children vary substantially from state to state. Most claims rely on self-reports by universities, rather than bank checks by health departments, to determine vaccination protection. This can result in incorrect estimations.

To deal with this issue, the CDC is definitely promoting higher standardization of credit reporting. For example, all claims are urged to statement protection centered on ACIP recommendations rather than on state requirements.

Some of the recommended vaccines include: measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis M, polio, chicken pox, and whooping cough.

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Having to use a body system support designed for the treatment of scoliosis (curled backbone) causes strain designed for teenager sufferers and their parents, a new research discovers.

But parents worry many of all. While teenager young ladies dislike putting on a hard plastic material support around their body, parents are even more concerned than their kids about scoliosis itself, stated the research workers at Poznan School of Medical Sciences in Belgium.

The study, published August 15 in the journal Backbone , included 63 girls with scoliosis who wore a support to prevent the spinal curve from worsening. Their standard age group was 14. In such situations, sufferers generally must use the support at least 12 hours a time until they surface finish developing.

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The girls in this study wore their braces an average of nearly 16 hours a time. After about 14 a few months of support treatment, the sufferers and their parents had been asked to price their amounts of psychological tension linked with the support treatment and with scoliosis itself.

Both the patients and their parents found the brace treatment moderately stressful. But while the young ladies reported low amounts of tension related to the scoliosis itself, their parents scored this type of tension as moderate.

Tension amounts in both sufferers and parents were unrelated to the severity of the vertebrae competition or how lengthy the individual had worn her body support, according to a paper information discharge.

The findings suggest that both patients and parents should be evaluated for emotional stress related to scoliosis and treatment with a body support, the researchers said in the news release.